Shutter Speed 1/25
Aperture f22
ISO 200
Taking Brooke's advice to heart - to practice, practice, practice...I took a ton
of pictures trying various shutter speeds and apertures and even ISOs.
After all that I really was the most happy with just this one shot of blurred motion. The upside is that I am feeling so much more comfortable shooting in manual mode and I think that I'm getting my head more around the concepts and actions.
Shutter Speed 1/1600
Aperture f 5.0
ISO 400
The way the water catches the light is interesting.
I wonder why it picks up light from the purple range of the spectrum...
Shutter Speed 1/60
Aperture f16
ISO 200
This week was so filled with out-of-town company among other pressing matters that I really was able to try panning only once. On the way home from town on Saturday, my husband stopped along the road to our house (not heavily traveled) so I could practice panning on several cars and a motorcycle that passed by before I got this cyclist. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I was facing west, and I could tell that I had sunspots in each shot...but this was one opportunity to try this technique. I couldn't tell from the rear view screen if I had achieved my goal so was happy when I got home, loaded the photos on the computer and found that the experiment worked! Yay!
Aperture f 5.0
ISO 400
We were riding in an air boat going about 30 mph with the birds staying beside us or sometimes swooping ahead and then back again. I was shooting away (and yes...I flipped back and forth between manual and automatic in my quest to capture the birds in flight) and I don't really know if this one particular shot was manual or auto, but I like it.